Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Classics of Crap Volume 47: Howard the Duck

Hey guys! Got a real stinker for you today. Believe it or not, Jar Jar Binks is NOT the worst idea George Lucas ever had. That honor goes to the catastrophic 1986 misfire, Howard the Duck. After the back-to-back smashes of the Star Wars trilogy and the first two Indiana Jones movies, George Lucas was on fire. The producers of Howard must have thought that they would be printing their own money. Sadly, what they printed was one of the worst movies of all time. Basically, the premise is that Howard is this duck/humanoid thing that gets sucked into our dimension, and while trying to find his way home, battles evil aliens and beds a sexy pop singer. Yes, there is some disturbingly alarming human-on-duck sexiness on display here. Not enough you say? Well, may I present: Duck Breasts. This movie is heinous. If you choose to watch it, good luck.


  1. awww... this movie is very Good Times! Love the art

  2. Duck boobies! We used to pause that when we were kids. I think I know all the words to the songs from the movie too. Great job!

  3. Duck boobies! We used to pause that when we were kids. I think I know all the words to the songs from the movie too. Great job!
