Monday, April 10, 2017

Top 30 Favorite Movie Characters #9

#9: Carrie White

All through high school, I, like many kids, felt unpopular and unappreciated. I escaped into comic books and movies to deal with my feelings, but I always secretly loved the idea of taking revenge on my high school tormentors. However, I'm not a violent person, and I worked through my issues in a healthy way. Watching it again recently, Carrie really strikes a nerve with me. I can completely sympathize with her, and Sissy Spacek's performance is incredibly powerful.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to say thank you for the help to our family. She is a very high level specialist and very sensitive and attentive. Thanks to child's psychologist the endless tantrums, screams, jealousy and anxiety left us with our elder child (3.5 years old) in a difficult period after the birth of our younger child. My child and I have learned to talk to each other about our feelings, our desires and not desires, to find a solution together. Parenting came to a new level, conscious and comfortable. The child became internally calm and confident. Also guys have a good service - child counseling online. There was a great grace in the family, it was so good that we took that step! Definitely recommend it personally and the entire online service to our friends and acquaintances.
