Saturday, June 16, 2007

"I feel like my skull is on fire, but I'm good"

Hey gang! I just watched the movie "Ghost Rider" yesterday with some friends, and although I heard it was bad, I held out hope. I mean, a guy with a flaming skull riding a black devil motorcycle is one one of the coolest, most cinematic images I can think of. How bad could it be? Here's my two word movie review: Turd Sandwich.
But, it inspired me to do my rendition of Johnny Blaze as a Bubblehead, with a little 'Akira' homage thrown in for good measure! Hope ya like!


Greg said...

Freaking awesome Jeff! I am using this as my desktop at work for inspiration. Loving the simplicity.

Jenniferofthejungle said...

That is beautiful.

Mr. Karswell said...

Imagine if the movie was even half as inspired as your painting here. Fucking Hollywood...