Saturday, June 9, 2007

Kong is King

King Kong-the greatest monster movie ever made. I love this film. Seeing it as a kid really inspired me to take an interest in fantasy films and special effects. It still holds up marvelously well today. (King Kong vs. Godzilla? Not so much.) Peter Jackson's Kong was great too, in it's own way, but nothing can replace the original. Have a great weekend, everyone!


Anonymous said...

It's always nice to see someone else that appreciates P.J.'s Kong.

Boatwright Artwork said...

i too LOVE the original. The storytelling in that film is so tight. It moves along so briskly,but never seems rushed.

udgang99 said...



F. Joss said...

found this blog through entertainment weekly. your pieces are amazing - keep up the great work!

Mr. Karswell said...

Can I have a print-out of this? KK is one of my all time fave movies too.