Friday, April 11, 2008

King George

I have a love/hate relationship with this guy. While it's no secret that I adore the first 2 star wars movies, and most of the third, I don't think he's made a single good decision since 1983. But hey, that's just me. If you disagree, post a comment...


Mark said...

I often wonder if we could maybe green screen George away, and CGI someone in his place that knows what to do with his awesome creations.

Unknown said...

i'm with you on that - poor George is on another planet

Christine1012 said...

I like American Graffiti & the 3 orginal Star Wars movies...the next could just fall off the face of the earth...

Jeff Victor said...

It's not that he doesn't have good IDEAS; he does. I just think he's run a nearly perfect franchise into the ground. For me it basically all fell apart when it was changed from the story of Luke skywalker to the redemption of Anakin Skywalker.

Donut Shop said...

I come to the defense of George for 2 reasons: 1: He is one of the more passionate people when it comes to his craft. SW 1-3 has been lambasted over and over because it's what everyone is doing. Knowing someone who's 10 and watching all 6 SW with awe and wonder was humbling. As adults, we forget how great the sword fights were when they were originally shown on the screen. I have to say I was impressed watching Obi-Wan fight, see Yoda kick butt and see the Rebels take plight (although GW should stay away from writing love scenes. That sucked). Made me think of the kiddie days of reenacting the fight scenes with my brothers on a rainy day.

2. His mythical characters have more heart than the 90 million movies released in the past decade. As I await the last Indy show to come out, I would go back and rewatch the Indy flicks I have on hand. The only other series that I've done that with was LOTR and The Matrix series. It's a very ambitious and very elite group of directors and writers that can only do that. Not even John Apatow fills that emptiness when it comes to being grand.

Mr. Karswell said...

Yeah, the Indiana Jones films aren't bad decisions but pretty much everything else has been... very nice pasty illustration though!

Incredibly Fat Man said...

George is fine as long as he has someone stronger along with him to temper him. The problem is that once he became revered, he started making all the decisions and everyone assumed his decisions were good, even though they usually weren't.

Remember, George had very little to do with Empire and the first 1/2 of RotJ. In fact, if you look at GL's career, it's only the projects where he's leaned on someone else that his ideas (which are good) can be molded and shaped well on screen.