Hey Gang- in case you didn't know, I was commissioned to do a series of trading cards for Marvel/Upper Deck called Marvel Masterpieces. Here a bunch, but not all of the cards I did for them. These 'sketch cards' are hand drawn in marker right on the card itself. Literally one of a kind. And just think, someone, somewhere will discover one of my cards in their pack and exclaim, "Wow! An original piece of Marvel art by Jeff Victor! How much do you think this will go for on ebay?!"
These are AWESOME! They remind me of the things you drew in college. I already get to say that I have an Original Piece of Art by Jeff Victor. Woo Hoo!
These are adorable.
Thanks guys! Yeah, Blake--i used to draw these Bubbleheads ad nauseum when I was in college. Haven't drawn them in years, so it was nice to bust some out again...
Wow! That is super cool! It will be like a treasure hunt! tee hee.
I love the way the first series makes you realize how we were so idealistic as kids. I know I'd purchase them
My fave is the half Petey, half Spidey card. Ahhh but they're all great. Super Fantastic work Jeff. I'll be on the look-out for these for sure. Tell Stan hi for me.
Wow! Those just about made me squeal like a little girl. They are adorable!! If those ever get printed out, I'm so getting some!
I absolutely love these. All of your comic stuff I'm in love with. They're so awesome!
I'm already the proud owner of the Mr. Fantastic and Professor X shown here. I'm aiming for more!Do you do commissions?
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